Khael Eke


Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

What Does “Ignored From Added Me” Mean On Snapchat?

What Does “Ignored From Added Me” Mean On Snapchat? 

In this article, you’ll learn what the feature “ignored from added me” mean on Snapchat.  Snapchat has become increasingly popular,…

What Does FS Mean On Instagram?

What Does FS Mean On Instagram?

In this article, you’ll learn what FS mean on Instagram, when to use it, and how to apply it in…

What Does TTYL Mean On Snapchat?

What Does TTYL Mean On Snapchat?

In this article, you’ll learn what TTYL mean on Snapchat.  Slang and abbreviations are now the norms for communication on…

What Does IMO Mean On Snapchat?

What Does IMO Mean On Snapchat?

Aside from sharing photos, and videos and sending them as snaps, keeping Snapstreak alive and becoming Snapchat best friends. Abbreviations…

What Does FYI Mean On Snapchat?

What Does FYI Mean On Snapchat? [Short Answer] 

In this article, you will learn what FYI mean on Snapchat and how to apply it in conversation.  Chatting with…

How To Fix “Could Not Update Email On Snapchat”

How To Fix “Could Not Update Email On Snapchat”

In this article, you’ll learn how to fix “could not update email on Snapchat” error message.  “Could not update email”…

How To Remove Someone From Best Friends List On Snapchat

How To Remove Someone From Best Friends List On Snapchat

In this article, you’ll learn how to remove someone from your best friends list on Snapchat.  You can remove someone…

How Anonymous Is Reddit?

How Anonymous Is Reddit?

In this article, you’ll learn how anonymous Reddit is. Reddit is one of the most popular social media platform and…

How To Delete Comments On Reddit

How To Delete Comments On Reddit

In this article, you’ll learn how to delete individual comments on Reddit and also, how you can delete all your…

How To Fix Kik App Not Working

How To Fix Kik App Not Working (Solved)

In this article, you’ll learn why Kik app not working and how to fix it.  Kik is a messaging app…

How To Fix Kik Video Chat Not Working

How To Fix Kik Video Chat Not Working

In this article, you will learn how to fix Kik video chat not working. The first thing you need to…

What Does SMH Mean On Snapchat?

What Does SMH Mean On Snapchat?

In this article, you will learn what SMH mean on Snapchat, in texting, and other social media platforms.  Snapchat is…

What Does “IDEK” Mean on Snapchat

What Does “IDEK” Mean on Snapchat? [Short Answer]

In this article, you’ll learn what IDEK mean on Snapchat, in texting, and other social media platforms.  Snapchat is a…

How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat

How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat

If you lost your Snapchat streak, but don’t know what to do, in this article, you’ll learn how to restore…

Can You Become Snapchat Best Friends Through Chat? 

Can You Become Snapchat Best Friends Through Chat? Yes, But…

In this article, you will learn what influences Snapcht’s best friends, and what you need to do to become best…

How To Become Best Friends On Snapchat

How To Become Best Friends On Snapchat

In this article, you will learn how best friends work on Snapchat. And also, how you can become best friends…