How To Hide All Your Facebook Photos 

Hiding all your Facebook photos can be a useful way to maintain your privacy and control who has access to your personal content. If you want to protect yourself in the online space, you can hide all your Facebook photos in one click.

By default, Facebook allows your friends and other users to view your photos, which can be a concern for those who want to keep their photos private.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to hide all your Facebook photos and ensure that only those who you choose to share them with can see them.

Facebook has over the years improved its security and privacy, giving its users access to protect their online presence. You can also lock your current profile on Facebook.

How to Hide All Your Facebook Photos

We are going to explore 3 things in this article. 

  • Restrict who can post on your profile
  • Who can see what others post on your profile?
  • Restrict who can see the picture you’re tagged in on your profile.

Restrict can see what others post on your profile

STEP 1: Facebook menu dashboard

Locate and open your Facebook app. Click the profile picture at the top right to go to your account menu dashboard. 

How To Hide All Your Facebook Photos 

STEP 2: Settings and privacy

On the dashboard scroll down to Settings and Privacy, and click on it. 

Restrict can see what others post on your profile

STEP 3: Audience and Visibility

To control who can see your posts on your profile. Click on Profile and tagging.

Restrict can see what others post on your profile

Now, Select “Who can see what others post on your profile“. Then, click on see more to set the option to “Only me”.

How To Hide All Your Facebook Photos 
Audience and Visibility

Restrict who can see the picture you’re tagged in on your profile

Now, to set the tagging option, select the first option indicated in the image. Select “Only me” option to change settings.

How To Hide All Your Facebook Photos 

Can I Restrict people from posting on my profile?

Yes, you can control the outcome of how you want your profile to look. You can restrict your friends from posting on your profile, and they won’t be able to tag you as well. 

By selecting the “Only Me” option, you can prevent anyone from viewing the photos you have been tagged in or those you have posted on your timeline.

You have the freedom to modify these settings whenever you want, allowing you to choose certain individuals on your friend list or restrict access to only your friends.


With these simple instructions, you can control the outcome of your Facebook account. Just follow the steps and control your online privacy. 

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Khael Eke

Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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