How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat

How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat
How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat

If you lost your Snapchat streak, but don’t know what to do, in this article, you’ll learn how to restore your snapstreak on Snapchat. 

Snapchat is a popular social media platform among Gen Zs that lets users share photos and short videos as snaps. 

If you’re an avid Snapchat user, then you’re probably familiar with the concept of Snapstreaks. Snapstreaks are a fun way to keep in touch with your friends and maintain a streak of consecutive days of sending snaps between two users

You’re reading this article because you lost your snapstreak and want to get them back. Don’t worry we’ve got you covered. 

In this article, you’ll learn how to restore your snapstreak on Snapchat.

Things You Should Know

  • You can’t restore a Snapchat streak that ended a long time ago. 
  • You will get free Snapstreak restore every month and Snapchat+ subscribers get 5 free Snapstreak restores.
  • You can’t roll over unused free snapstreak restore to the next month.
  • Chats, calls, and viewing stories don’t count as snapstreaks. 

What is a Snapstreak? 

Snapstreak is a feature on Snapchat that tracks the consecutive number of days you and your friends have been exchanging Snaps. 

Snapstreak is more like a challenge between you and your friends to maintain the streaks you send snaps to each other.

To start snapstreak, you need to snap each other every day for 3 straight days. 

You’re on Snapstreak with someone once you see the fire emoji appear next to their name. 

There’s no limit to how far you maintain a streak with someone. You can keep the streak going as long as you exchange snaps with each other every day. 

How Does The Snapstreak Work On Snapchat?

You enter a snapstreak with someone if you exchange snaps with them every 24 hours for 3 consecutive days. 

The Snapchat streak has just one simple rule and that is to send each other snaps every day if you want to keep the streak going. And the person must open the snaps within 24 hours. 

Exchanging snaps with your friends daily is the only way you can keep maintaining the streak. 

However, maintaining a streak requires the efforts of both users. Otherwise, you will lose your streak. 

If you maintain a streak with your friends for 100 consecutive days, you will see a 💯 emoji appear next to the fire emoji as a reward for reaching a 100-day mark for keeping the streak going. 

Chats, voice calls, snaps sent from memories or spectacles, and viewing each other’s stories don’t count. The only thing that keeps the Snapchat streak is the photos and videos you sent as snaps.

Also, snaps sent to group chats don’t count. What counts is the snaps sent in one-on-one chat. 

If you have not sent each other snaps in 24 hours, an hourglass will appear next to the fire emoji. This means that your streak with the person will end in 24 hours if you don’t send each other snaps. 

What Does The Fire 🔥 Emoji Mean On Snapchat? 

The fire emoji indicates that you have a snapstreak with your friend. The fire emoji appears next to the number of days you and your friend have consecutively exchanged snaps. 

Once your snapstreak reaches the 100-day mark of exchanging snaps and chats, you’ll see 💯 emoji appear next to your name.

What Does The 100 💯 Emoji Mean On Snapchat?

This emoji appears in your friends’ names if you maintain a 100-day snapstreak with them. This means that you have to exchange snaps with each other for 100 days in a row. 

What Does The Hourglass ⌛Emoji Mean On Snapchat? 

The hourglass means that your snapstreak will end in 24 hours if you don’t snap each other, or you will lose your snapstreak. 

How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat

Maintaining a snapstreak requires lots of dedication from both parties. Which means you have to exchange snaps with each other every single day. 

If your snapstreak suddenly disappears and you don’t know why, further below is what you need to do to restore your snapstreak. 

Contact the Snapchat Support Team

If you can no longer see your Snapchat streak, and you contact the person you have the streak with and they don’t know what happened. 

The first thing you should do is to check if the snapstreak is eligible for restoration.

But, If you are unable to restore your snapstreak with the free snapstreak restore feature assigned to you. Then you need to contact the Snapchat support team to help restore the snapstreak for you. 

Also, if you have already used your free snapstreak restore for the month, then you have to pay for additional restores through the app or contact support to help restore the streak for free.

Keep in mind that if the Snapstreak ended a long time ago, you won’t be able to restore them and Snapchat support won’t be of any help to you. 

Snapchat support can only restore recently lost snapstreaks. 

Here’s how to contact Snapchat support to restore your snapstreak. 

How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat
  • Fill out the form and provide all the necessary information required. 
How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat
  • Once you’re through with the form. Tap the submit button to request your snapstreak restoration. 

You need to ensure that the information provided in the form is all associated with your account. Also, cross-check the form after filling it out and make sure all information is correct.

After submitting the form, it may take about 2 hours before you get email feedback from Snapchat support. The email must be associated with your account. 

Why Did My Snapstreak Disappear?

As I mentioned earlier, snapstreak has one simple rule: which is to exchange snaps with your friends daily. And this is the only way you can maintain the streak. 

However, going a day without sending each other snaps will end the snapstreak. 

But if you already sent each other snaps for the day, and you logged in to your account and can’t find the snapstreak fire emoji and the numbers next to the person’s name. 

Here are the possible causes of why your snapstreak disappeared. 

  • You have a bad internet connection.
  • The Snapchat app is outdated.
  • Technical issues or bugs with Snapchat.
  • Your friend removed you as friends or they blocked you. 

What To Do If Your Snapstreak Disappeared

Check Your Internet Connection

You need to ensure that your internet signal is very strong. If your mobile network is not strong, then you should switch to a different network. Switch to a WiFi connection. 

Also, turn on airplane mode for a few seconds and turn it off. This is one of the easiest fixes if your mobile network is bad. Or rather switch your mobile network type from 5G to 4G LTE or 3G. This has worked for me a lot of times, you should try it.

Update the Snapchat app

If you are still using an older version of Snapchat, then you need to update the app to the latest version. Updating the app can also fix technical glitches and bug issues with the app… 

This can restore your Snapchat streak. 

Check if The Person Blocked or Removed You as Friends

If the person removed you as friends or blocked you, then your snapstreak with the person is gone forever. 

Search for the person’s name on Snapchat and see if it will appear in search results. If it doesn’t appear then the person has blocked you. 

However, if the person did not remove you as friends or blocked you, then you need to contact the Snapchat team to help you restore your Snapchat. 


This is it! You can restore your snapstreak by using the free snapstreak restore feature. But if you’ve used it and don’t want to purchase additional restores, then you have to contact the Snapchat support team to restore your Snapstreak.

You should also know that Snapchat can’t restore your Snapstreak if it has expired for a long time. Snapchat support can only restore recently lost snapstreaks. 

The only way you can avoid losing your snapstreak is to maintain the streak and keep on sending each other snaps every single day. 

FAQs About How To Restore Your Snapstreak On Snapchat

Can one person maintain the Snapstreak?

No, one person cannot maintain the snapstreak. It requires an equal amount of effort from both users. Unfortunately, the only way to keep the streak going is to exchange snaps every day. 

Can I use photos or videos from my Gallery for Snapchat Streak?

The answer is yes, you can use photos and videos from your phone gallery for Snapstreak. 

How much does it cost to restore Snapstreak?

It is free to restore Snapstreak. Snapchat users are given free Snapstreak restore in case they lose their streaks. But if you’re using Snapchat+ you can get up to 5 free snapstreak restores.

How long does the hourglass ⌛ emoji last on Snapchat?

Typically, the hourglass emoji lasts for 24 hours. This emoji means that your snapstreak will end if you don’t send each other snaps within 24 hours. 

Does the other person get notified if you restore a Snapstreak?

No, Snapchat won’t notify the other person when you restore the Snapstreak you have with them. To keep the snapstreak going you must exchange snaps. 

What Counts as Snapstreak?

Only the photos and videos you send as snaps in one-on-one chat will count as snapstreak. Chats, calls, and viewing each other’s stories don’t count. Snaps from memories, spectacles, and group chats do not count.

What are the 5 free Snapstreak restores on Snapchat?

The 5 free Snapstreak restores are only available for Snapchat+ users. To enjoy this privilege, you need to subscribe to Snapchat Plus.


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Khael Eke

Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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