Secret Conversations are end-to-end encrypted, which means that only you and the other person in the conversation can read the messages.
This makes Secret Conversations a good option for sending sensitive or confidential information.
In this article, you will learn how to start a secret conversation on Facebook Messenger. And also how to delete the conversation
Secret conversations are extremely important for folks who have privacy concerns issues and want to go the extra mile to protect their conversations with others online.
Secret conversation is a feature on Facebook Messenger that allows end-to-end encryption for messages and calls between you and the receiver.
Unlike regular chats in Messenger, messages and calls between you and the other user are protected.
Meta teams won’t be able to access messages that are in end-to-end encrypted chats.
Your messages are automatically deleted after a set period of time. But you will have to enable the disappearing message timer for the conversation.
The disappearing message timer can set a duration from 5 seconds to 24 hours. Also, when you send a message to someone and they didn’t read it. The message will automatically disappear after 14 days.
Once you have created a secret conversation, before messages disappear, you need to set a disappearing message timer.
Yes, Secret Conversations on Messenger allow screenshots. However, if you enable the Disappearing Messages feature, Messenger will notify you when someone takes a screenshot of a disappearing message, just like secret chats in Telegram.
Rest assured that this feature solves all your privacy concerns when you send sensitive or confidential information to someone. It prevents them from taking screenshots or forwarding messages.
For people who want an additional layer of privacy, this could be the deal for you.