You can repeat this process when you want to unblock multiple people.
When you block someone on Snapchat, they will be removed from your friends list. So, you will need to add them back as friends again to be able to start a conversation with them.
If you want to add them back as friends, you need to search for the person’s name or username and click on the add button to add the person back as your friend.
If you block someone on Snapchat, they won’t be notified, but there are alternatives to confirm if you have blocked them. If your name suddenly disappeared from their chat history or your name is not appearing on search, when your name is no longer on their friends’ list. They can also confirm their suspicion by using an alternate account to search for your name or username. With these alternatives, they will be able to know whether you blocked them or not.
When you block someone on Snapchat, they won’t be able to send you snaps, call or message you. If you unblock, you will need to add them as friends again and can send them messages.
No, they won’t be notified by Snapchat if you unblock them.
Search for their names on your contact list. Search for their names or username and if the names don’t appear. Then try using an alternate account to search for their names and if it appeared. It means you have been blocked.
Pending means that your Snapchat message is yet to be delivered. This can be a Snapchat error notification issue. But here are some of the major reasons.
Your message might show pending on Snapchat when your friend request hasn’t been accepted, the person has removed you as a friend or you have been blocked.