You can use the Snapchat+ No.1 BFF (Best Friends Forever) to pin your favourite person on the chat screen, especially the person you send snaps the most on Snapchat.
The Snapchat No.1 BFF is slightly different from normal pin conversation. With pin conversation, you can pin your friends or important messages from assignment. No.1 BFF is pro feature used by Snapcht+ subscribers to pin best friend or closest family.
Note: To use the No.1 BFF feature you need to subscribe to Snapchat+.
Suppose you’re someone who frequently receives too many messages on Snapchat. Pinning a conversation will save you the stress of scrolling your inbox chat screen to look at a particular discussion.
For instance, if you have an emergency message, and don’t have time to keep scrolling down, pinning the conversation saves time.
If you have some important messages with someone you frequently chat with. You may need to consider the idea of pinning their conversation to avoid missing some important messages.
If you have an active chat on Snapchat, consider pinning it to ensure that you never miss a message Snapchat pin conversation is an important that help keep up to date with your friends.