WhatsApp status lets you share text, photo, video, and GIF updates with friends that disappear after 24 hours lifespan.
But what happens if you delete your status before it expires? Will your contacts still be able to view it, or will it vanish from their updates tab?
Privacy has been the utmost priority of users in any online space. If you have concerns about what happens after you delete your WhatsApp status, this article is for you.
In this article, we will answer this question and every other topic on WhatsApp status.
No, the person will no longer see the status update after you delete it from your status tab.
If you share and update your WhatsApp status and later decide to delete it before the 24-hour lifespan, people you share contact with won’t see it.
However, if someone on your contact replied to your status before you deleted it, they will still see the reply but won’t be able to see the status update.
The same thing also applies to business WhatsApp users.
However, if the person on your contact list is using any unofficial or unauthorized WhatsApp like GB WhatsApp, they can See your deleted status after you delete it before 24 hours.
Yes, you’ll see who viewed your status if the other person did not disable read receipts.
When someone sees your status you’ll be able to tell who has seen it on the view count, unless you or your contact has disabled their read receipts.
If you come across this issue, it’s because you’re low on storage. You need to have at least 1GB of storage on your phone to be able to see other’s status updates.
By default, WhatsApp can’t work if your phone’s storage space is very low. The solution to this issue is to clear your phone storage.
Only the people you saved their number (your contacts) can view your WhatsApp status.
So, if you saved someone’s contact or recently added the number to your contact list the person can see your WhatsApp status whenever you share an update.
You can also view the person’s status if they add your phone number to their contact lists.
However, if the person did not save your contact, you won’t be able to see their status on WhatsApp.
No, your contacts won’t know when you mute their status on WhatsApp. Also, you will no longer see their recent update on the status tab unless you either view their status in the muted status tab or unmute them.
To mute WhatsApp status, do this: Press and hold the status of the person »»» Tap Mute.
To unmute WhatsApp status, do this : Swipe to the left on the status tab »»» Muted »»» Press and hold the status »»» Tap Unmute.
This privacy feature has sparked debate, with so many users wishing to get to the bottom line and find a confident answer to this question.
Well, normal WhatsApp and business WhatsApp users won’t see the status when it’s deleted.
No, if you decide to delete someone’s contact from your phone, they will no longer see your WhatsApp status updates.
No, your contacts won’t be notified when you delete your account on WhatsApp. However, they might know if they stop seeing your status update.
People who chat with you often might notice if they stop seeing your profile picture, unable To view WhatsApp status, messages to you will be shown as sent not delivered. Also, when they call you, it appears as calling not ringing.
No, once you block someone on WhatsApp, they won’t be able to do the following:
When someone views your status, it only counts as One (1). When you click on the eye icon, it only reveals the first time the person saw it, not how often they peeked back in.
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